Five Talents Welcomes Dana Wichterman to Board of Directors

FAIRFAX, Virginia

Dana Wichterman joins Five Talents USA Board of Directors

Five Talents is pleased to announce the appointment of a New Board Member, Dana Wichterman.

Dana brings a wealth of experience in international poverty alleviation and economic development to her service with Five Talents. Dana is the President of Oakton Foundation where she’s worked alongside non-profits, government, and think tanks to bring redemptive solutions to national and global challenges.

For over 15 years Dana helped to manage USAID grants around the world with the Academy for Educational Development. This included writing and winning proposals for over $100 million, managing international teams, overseeing monitoring & evaluation, and making analysis and policy recommendations in economic development, microenterprise, trade, investment, and sustainability.

Dana received her M.A. in International Affairs from Columbia University and a B.A. in Public Policy and Political Science at the University of Denver.

Dana loves to travel and is passionate about impact investing. Dana and her husband are members of Christ Church Vienna. She is also a member of Faith and Law where she helps promote a biblical worldview among congressional staff on policy issues. Dana is delighted to join the Five Talents Board. She said, “I am eager to be a part of Five Talent’s mission of creating dignified pathways to meaningful entrepreneurship for those on the margins.”