Leave Your Title at the Door: Communities of Hope in South Sudan

Creating a New Beginning

Have you ever wished for a new beginning?

Equality, dignity, and empowerment in South Sudan.

In South Sudan, the question is often on people's hearts and minds.

When Five Talents starts savings-group lessons among displaced peoples in South Sudan, participants are instructed to write their titles on a piece of paper. They then put their titles in a box next to the door.

Some participants are mothers or fathers, pastors or community leaders, soldiers, or even government officials. Many are farmers.  All of them have fled the horrors of conflict and war.

The box next to the door marks the point of a new beginning. No matter what you have been in the past, today you will begin as an equal participant in a new community.

Watch as Sarah, one of our Program Managers from South Sudan, explains.

Learn more about the Journey of Hope and the work of Five Talents in South Sudan.