Community Savings

Transformational Community Savings: A Model for Empowering the Poor

Community savings empowers the poor to build a brighter future.

Community savings initiatives are building peace and prosperity even in the most challenging contexts. In South Sudan, Five Talents continues to work with local churches to coordinate financial literacy and business skills training, community savings and loans, business development, and the creation of community banks.

Support Five Talents' mission to to eradicate extreme poverty by restoring human dignity and creating strong, sustainable communities. Make a Donation Today!

Celebrating Transformation in Burundi: The Power of Community Savings

Five Talents serves over 30,000 members of community savings groups across Burundi. Membership in these groups means access to financial literacy; secure savings; and business, development, and emergency loans. Eighty percent of members are women and most are single mothers who use their savings and business income to provide education, healthcare, and nutritious food for their children.

Discover how families are building small businesses and a brighter future for their communities:

The Impact of Savings: The Economics of South Sudan

South Sudan is in the midst of a grand transition. Across the country, communities are moving from traditional barter or trade-based economies to a more liquid, money-based economy. As wealth is built, the impact of savings is being felt in some of the more rural communities in South Sudan.

Learn more about The Journey of Hope in South Sudan.