When We Join Hands to Pray

This time last year, I had the honor of meeting one of our program partners from Burundi, Bishop Seth Ndayirukiye. After chatting with me and a few other Five Talents staff, Bishop Seth asked if we would all join hands so he could pray for each of us by name - for our work, our families, our health. It was such a meaningful moment for each of us and one I will never forget.

I look forward to when you may have the opportunity to meet Bishop Seth in person the next time he can visit our offices stateside. For now, here is a 60-second video in which he shares how these programs have given his diocese hope and dignity.

I hope this encourages you and please feel free to forward this to someone you think would be inspired by Bishop Seth's hopeful message.

What is one way we can be praying for you and your church?

With joy,

Sarah Herndon,
Church Engagement