Why We Do What We Do

I’ve shared here before that our Tuesday staff meetings start with a devotion. It’s a rhythm I’m so thankful for and a reminder that our faith is what drives our mission. This week, my colleague shared the powerful impact that happens when we make the Lord part of every aspect of our lives. Even the daily, often mundane, activities. And while this can be difficult to remember sometimes, when we do it, the effect is apparent.

Five Talents’ mission is grounded in our faith. It’s why biblical principles are woven throughout program materials and Savings Group meetings. We want these women and men to not only learn business skills, but we also want to help them experience the transformation that occurs when they devote their businesses, and their lives, to the Lord. Today, we are meeting South Sudan Program Coordinator, John Chol. Be encouraged as he shares how the Gospel is introduced and the change that happens.

With joy,

Sarah Herndon,
Church Engagement