Still Dropping Eggshells into my Omelettes

An Omelette or Omelet

We learn to walk before we run. We learn our ABC’s before we read. We learn to scramble eggs before we cook an omelette. I’ll be honest, I’m still trying to master cracking an egg without getting shell into my breakfast but you get the idea - we have to be confident in the basics before we move on to the next step.

Steps to Development

It’s the same with a Five Talents savings group. Through our programs, an entrepreneur learns business skills so they can develop and grow a business. But that’s not where they start. Often, when they first come to a savings group meeting, these women and men learn how to read and write. They learn how to count, add and subtract so they can make change at the market. They start with the basics.

This week, I wanted to take you to a savings group in Burundi. Watch how your support is helping provide these basic skills that build confidence - enabling these entrepreneurs to transform the lives of their families:

Empowering Entrepreneurs through Community Savings

I hope this encourages you.

With joy,
Sarah Herndon,
Church Engagement